Page name: Random story [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-07-18 19:52:05
Last author: fu**(fuse)
Owner: fu**(fuse)
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Sorry, i know its really long -.-!


I stood at the edge of the woods, searching for my dog, Wolf. I scanned the edge of the woods, calling his name, “Wolf! Wolf? Here boy!” At that I heard a faint bark. I knew it was Wolf. A bit of hope danced in my stomach. “Wolf?” I called again, sounding hopeful. Just then I heard another bark, then a whimper. Oh crap I thought as I ran thoughtlessly into the woods. “Wolf? Wolf! Come here boy!” I called again. I went several feet into the woods before hearing another bark. I followed the sound for what felt like forever, until I realized I didn’t know where I was, and it was starting to get dark. “Oh no” I mumbled, as the shadows around me started to grow. Suddenly there was a rustle in a nearby bush. Startled I jumped back as I peered at the oddly moving bush. All of a sudden Wolf jumped out at me, with a grin upon his face. “Wolf!” I cried happily as I petted his huge wolf like head. Just then Wolf darted into the shadows, leaving me with a confused expression. “Hey! Where are you going?” I called, running after him. As I zigged and zagged through the woods, tumbling over loose rocks and huge roots, falling over time after time, Wolf would always wait for me, apparently determined not to lose me in the huge green maze. As I followed him, I realized I still had no idea where we were. I started to get worried, looking around for signs of something I recognized, until I spotted a light ahead from the thick woods. A ping of relief fluttered in me as we headed towards the light, but then something odd struck me, I realized it was pitch black out. How can this be? I thought to myself, still following my now excited dog towards the light at the edge of the woods. Moments passed, and the gap between me, and the light shortened. We were at the edge of the woods now. Wolf stepped out into the blinding light; I stood, motionless, for a few moments, then took a deep breath and stepped into the blinding light.

As I blinked, rapidly letting my eyes focus in the now lighted area, I looked around; awed as for what stood in front of me was the most beautiful house. It stood timeless, graceful, and possibly hundreds of years old. It was painted off white, and stood about three stories high. Vines gracefully rounded the balcony, and down the walls. I felt my mouth drop at the sight of it. “Oh wow” I gasped, walking toward the huge door, with the timeless brass knocker, shaped as an owl’s head. I lifted the heavy knocker, and let it fall freely, making a huge noise. The noise startled me as I waited for a reply. Just then the door creaked open. Again startled, I peered into the vacant house. “H-hello?” I stammered. Thoughtlessly walking inside, leaving the door opened. Again, I felt my mouth hit the floor as I peered around the room. It was very bright, very open, and very large. It must have been originally several rooms, but the walls have been removed from most of the first floor. The back wall had been entirely replaced of glass and, beyond the shade of cedars, the lawn stretched bare to the wide river. The only thing in the room was a massive winding staircase, which dominated the west side. As I scrapped my jaw from the recently polished floor, completely forgetting about my dog, which was still playing in the massive front yard, I stumbled across the room, examining the workmanship of the staircase. Just then a strange sound came from the top of the staircase. What was that? I thought to myself as I peered up the winding staircase.

More curious than frightened, I traveled up the staircase, the boards creaking and groaning under my feet. They hold up, for they are strong. I passed by a small window that was heavily curtained, I let it be, continuing up. As I stepped up to the last stair, I stopped short. Standing, in front of me, was a teenaged boy of about 16 or 17. He had night-black hair and blazing blue eyes. Suddenly the gorgeous house seemed like nothing, compared to the boy who stood, not 10 feet from me. Just then, he turned to look at me and smiled. He has a dazzling smile I thought to myself as he said something to me, with a voice like an angel, I fell in love instantly as his words rang in my ears.

“Hello there.” He said, inching closer, slowly. I inhaled. My heart racing, he smiled again, and I saw the hinting of fangs. My heart started to pound against my chest. “Welcome to our house.” He cooed, now right in front of me.
I stood there, dumbfounded. Staring at the unbelievably beautiful face of death. Peering into his gorgeous teal eyes. "H-hello" I managed to say; yet it was barely above a whisper. The boy stepped closer to me, his eyes full of wonder and amusement, at the same time. "You do know what I am?" he asked slyly, never taking his eyes off my awed face. I nod. "What?" he laughed a musical note, slowly circling me, never taking his eyes off of my face. "V-vampire" I choked. He nodded. "Good, good." he mumbled. I stood there, unable to move, then I felt a bit dizzy.” Breathe" The unforgettable voice ordered from the back of my head. I obeyed. My eyes grew wide at the smell. "What is that?" I asked, once again dumbfounded. He stopped, and I froze. "What is what?" He sounded curious. He spun me around so I was facing him. He looked deeply into my eyes, as if he was looking for something. "What is what?" he asked again, a bit annoyed. "T-t-t-that s-sm-smell?" I stammered uncontrollably. "What smell?" he breathed into my face, his cold breath swirled across my face and played with my senses. I gasped, not in horror but with awe as I inhaled deeply."Ah, That smell" he frowned a bit, thinking to himself. This time I asked the questions. "What?" I asked. Still gazing at his beauty. He turned, and walked gracefully towards the stairs and stopped short. "C'mon" he ordered, still deep in thought. Of course I obeyed. Something about this boy drew me in. And I knew I couldn’t run, even if I tried.

As we both walked down the stairs, I couldn’t help but stand several feet away. For I knew at any moment, I could turn and kill him. “W-where are we going?” I asked, fearful at myself as he was leading me. Of course, he didn’t say anything but kept leading me down the stairs, from where I came from. I sighed and looked around me, we were in a narrow hallway, pictures where hanging from the walls. How haven’t I noticed these before? I wondered, gazing at the portraits of other gorgeous people. Just then I stopped and gazed at a picture of the guy I was following. Astonished at the grace of the painted portrait hanging only inches above me. I suddenly had an erg to touch it. Just as I reached up, a deathly cold hand caught my wrist. I screamed out in surprise, another freezing hand wounded around my mouth. “Hush.” He hissed into my ear. “You’ll wake the others.” He scowled. Releasing me. “Others?” I asked, a bit too loudly. Which caused another cold hand around my lips. “Must I carry you this way, or will you kindly shut up?” he asked, in a hushed tone, letting me free once more. “Yes there’s others,” he continued in a whisper. I gazed up at the other beautiful people staring down at me, with painted eyes. Each one of them had different color eyes. As I peeled my eyes from theirs, I looked back at the vampire in front of me. To my surprise he was staring at me curiously, just like Wolf had earlier. “Oh Crap!” I exclaimed, rushing past him practically running down the stairs. In a moment’s worth, I ran into something hard. “Oomph” I gasped as I fell on the carpeted steps. “Where do you think you’re going?” asked a now furious voice. A voice that was now strangely familiar to me. I looked up at Him. Why haven’t he noticed? I wondered. His jet-black hair, now fell into his teal colored eyes. “M-my dog.” I stammered, again now just above a whisper. I studied his face, which was now confused, focused, as if he was listening for something. He then turned, and in a flash, I was alone.
Stunned, I glanced around. He was gone but for only a brief second. “I can’t find your dog,” he breathed, looking down at me. I peered up at him sadly. “Oh” I sighed. Just then a snow-white hand broke my train of thought. I stared at it, for a second then cautiously took it, feeling his ice-cold figures lace around my hand, pulling me up. I rose awkwardly. But he didn’t seem to notice my clumsiness. I waited for him to free my hand; suddenly I felt a light tug, just as I noticed he was pulling me along. I looked up at his face, with wondering eyes. But to my surprise, he was watching me too. I felt my face flush, hot pink, as I let my gaze fall to the floor. “Does this bother you?” he asked, carefully lifting and dropping our hands. I thought about it. Debating on whether or not it bothered me. To my surprise, it didn’t bother me at all. “No, actually it doesn’t” I replied. I looked up at his face, his expression was thoughtful, just then I stumbled, and fell to my knees. We were no longer on the steps. ”Oh!” I huffed as I hit the carpeted ground. He stared down at me, too surprised to find me funny. But my bewildered expression pushed him over the edge, and he broke into a roar of laughter, letting go of my hand to place both of his on his knees, as if he needed the support. Annoyed, I began to stride off into the next room. Suddenly, I felt his arm around my waist. “Where do you think your going?” he asked, a smirk still upon his face. “Anywhere but here” I said fuming. “And where is that?” he asked, suddenly curious, gazing into my eyes. I didn’t know what to say. So I shook my head and looked away. Just then I spotted something from the corner of my eye. I turned to look but to my surprise, his arm was still around my waist. I looked up at his face; he was no longer studying me, but was glaring up at something across the room. I turned to look at what he was looking at. I gasped in surprise as I stared at the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen. Her skin was also snow-white, and her curls, which hung loosely on her shoulders, and down her back, were the color of blood. Her thin body, poised next to a mirror, a sheet clung in her hand. Her eyes weren’t teal like the boy’s but more of a royal blue. But it wasn’t the girl I gasped at. It was the mirror beside her I gasped at. For what was in the reflection were I, and only I. I took a double look, blinking at the sight of me hanging in mid-air. At that, he placed me on my feet and crossed the room to the girl. They spoke so quickly that it looked like they were mouthing the words. I stared in awe at the two creatures, which would put super models to shame, conversed. Their voices at that speed, sounded like two violins, weaving in and out of melody. I sat there, watching in awe as the girl and the guy argued about something I couldn’t understand. Suddenly the girl pointed at me, and screamed, “Just look at her!” At that, they both stopped and stared at me. I blushed, for no reason at all and stared in the mirror, between both of the beauties to look at myself too. To me I looked normal, whatever that is. My orange-red hair was tied into two braids at both sides of my face, my bangs hung loosely in my eyes, which I brushed out of the way. My glasses were a light purple, which brought out my hazel eyes. I wore a black shirt, with blue jeans, which was now dirty and grass-stained from my encounter in the woods. Except from my dirty clothes, and partially messed up hair, I looked fine, I guess. “What about me?” I asked, peeling my eyes away from my ragged reflection in the mirror. She ignored me and argued with the beautiful boy beside her. “She’s human, you know that’s against the rules.” Who is she calling human? I thought while fighting the erg to say something else, so I just listened. The boy’s face grew thoughtful, “well maybe,” he started, glancing at me, then started to talk super fast. I sighed, apparently no eves dropping aloud.
So instead, I watched their expressions change, and guessed by that.
As the low ‘violin’ played its glorious music, I watched the gorgeous girl. Her expression went from mad, to surprised, then back to mad. Suddenly the girl shrieked, “Oh heavens no!” glaring at me, then started her own music. “But she could really pass as your sister,” said the male. Again they peered at me, thoughtfully. With a thoughtful look, the girl strode over to me; her elegant movements would make any dancer give up their dream. She crouched down beside me and peered at me. Studying me. I didn’t like it. With a thoughtful glance, she simply replied. “She’s not pretty enough.” My face was mortified. I started to say something, but her wind-chime laughter caught me off guard. “Besides,” she continued. “Do you even know her name, does she know yours?” she asked gleefully, as if she already knew the answer. The boy flushed, for he did not. Just then he looked at me, and in a blink of an eye, he crossed the room, and examined my features. “She’s not so bad.” He looked me over, I blushed, still mortified at their words. With a glance over at the girl, then back at me, his eyes burning into mine, “By the way, my name is Victor.” He purred. It suddenly got really quiet in the room. I could hear my heart go crazy as I repeated his name in my head. Bah Dum Victor Bah Dum. I swear I wasn’t the only one who could hear my heartbeat, since Victor smiled, and leaned in closer Bah Dum Bah Dum Bah Dum. His smile widened. “What’s your name?” he asked, smiling widely, I could see his fangs clearly now, which made my stomach flip. “B-Bekah” I stammered. “Bekah” he echoed. Thinking about it, weighing it out in his head, as if, if he wanted to, he could change it. Suddenly the rooms started to spin.” Breathe,” he commanded, I obeyed, and once again his smell overwhelmed me, and I realized his face was only inches from mine. I took a step back, and slammed into the wall behind me, he chuckled and leaned away, still to close for comfort. “Alright Bekah, would you like to stay here, with me?” his cold breath again swirled across my face, drawing me in. “Hmmn?” I asked, inhaling his sent. He frowned and backed away some more. “Answer me please,” he cooed, watching my face expression with curious eyes. Apparently he was serious. Before I could unscramble my thoughts enough to answer, Victor was suddenly pulled away from me. I watched, surprised as he was tossed, like a doll to the other side of the room. “Where are you getting at?” Hissed the girl. “Of course she can’t stay with us! She’s HUMAN!” she shrieked, her voice hitting a note so high, I swear a deaf man could hear it. If only she knew, I thought as I covered my ears from the hideous sound. I glanced over at Victor he was smiling. “So?” He eyed me, “How about it?” he called. I flushed, opening my mouth to speak, but again the girl with the blood red hair cut me off. “What about her family?” she asked, apparently she didn’t want me around. Victor’s face dropped. I didn’t like that. “Actually,” I started. They both stared at me, Victor sad expression, changed to curious while the girl’s sly expression changed to a glare. “I don’t have a family.” I said, glancing between the both of them. Victor frowned. “Then where do you live?” he asked, swiftly moving across the room, just as smoothly as the female had. In a second, he was beside me again. “I don’t live anywhere.” I said sadly. Gazing at the floor. “What do you mean?” he asked, pulling my face up for he can examine it. My heart speed up a bit, he didn’t seem to notice. “I live in the woods, with my dog.’” I explained, watching his expression turn from sad, to thoughtful, the sad again. “Then where do you go to school?” he asked. “I shook my head. “Nowhere” I replied. His thoughtful expression returned, and he smiled. “Well then” he started. The girl groaned. “Gabriel won’t approve” she commented. I could feel her eyes burning a hole in my back. He ignored her. “What do you say, will you please live with us?” he breathed, my senses went crazy as I breathed in his sent again. He waited. And I quickly unscrambled my thoughts. “W-what about my stuff?” I gulped. Victor didn’t answer; instead he leaned away, looking up at something in the direction of the door. I looked too, confused. To my surprise, there stood three more gorgeous people. Two males, one female. The first to speak was the tallest male; he had chocolate brown hair, and violet eyes, the tallest male looked wiser than the rest, his muscles bulged from his body. All I knew was I wouldn’t want to meet him in an alley after dark. “Who is that?” he asked, sounding angry at my presence. Victor shrugged, “This is Bekah, she stumbled across our land, she was lost so I let her in.” he explained calmly. Suddenly the petite female, with short golden hair, and Bright green eyes smiled, and thawed from her sudden surprise. She was very short, everyone massively towered over her except the blonde boy, who stood only a couple inches taller, and was silently holding something in his arms. His eyes, golden like the sun. The blonde vampires looked like twins than anything else, yet when they looked at each other, there was love there. I smiled at the aged love, which was unnoticed by everyone else. “Hi, I’m Jocelyn.” Said the petite blonde girl. Smiling warmly at me. I noticed her fangs were sparkling in the dim light, craving attention. Yet I smiled back politely. Jocelyn danced around the room, her bubbly spirits seemed to thaw everyone else in the room, besides the blood color hair girl, who I still didn’t know the name of. I watched Jocelyn dance freely, admiring her graceful spins. As she spun, she pointed at everyone in the room, naming them. “This is Vincent,” she said as she pointed at the blonde male. He smiled shyly, placing whatever he was holding down on a chair. “This is Aniline,” she sang as she pointed at the blood colored hair girl. Aniline scowled in response.  “This is Gabriel,” she said as she pasted the tallest. Then she stopped right in front of me, and held a graceful hand out to Victor. “And this, “ she eyed Victor. “Is Victor. Of course, you already know that.” She clarified with a smile. I nodded, for that’s the only thing I could think of doing. I looked up at Victor, who was uneasy for some odd reason, he stared at me cautiously, as if he was waiting for me to go running into the night, screaming and waving my arms like some mad man. I smiled back in response; as for saying ‘I’m fine.’ His answering smile was flawless, of course. Why am I taking this so, so easy? I questioned myself. I glanced back up at Him; his face seemed to ask me the same question. I looked away, into the night, which was surprisingly bright. It must have been at least four-thirty in the morning. Victor, and the rest of the family, followed my confused expression to the window, and they all smiled to each other, besides Aniline, who was nowhere in sight and for Victor, who just looked uneasily away, as if he already knew my question. “What’s that?” I asked. Gesturing towards the lighted area. Vincent laughed, “That’s a light.” He said smartly I rolled my eyes. “For what?” I asked. Glancing around the room for answers. “For people who are lost in the woods.” Replied Vincent, choosing his words carefully, for something on Victor’s face gave him warning signs. Gabriel chucked, and added. “For food.” He said, looking at me, almost hungrily. I gulped, eyes widening. At that Victor growled, “Shut up Gabe,” he said, shifting his weight, blocking me from Gabe’s sight. Gabe snorted. “What? Now are you going to fight me for a mortal?” his smile fading. “Besides, I was only kidding.” Victor didn’t ease up much, only slightly as Jocelyn patted his arm, “We’re not going to hurt her” she whispered. As if those were the magic words, Victor eased up, and turned to me. “We’re not going to hurt you.” He repeated to me, as if I needed to hear it, instead of him. Likewise I thought and nodded, glancing at the lighted area again. Remembering the horrid scream earlier tonight. I shuddered. Victor quickly changed the subject, turning all his attention back towards me, “Bekah,” he started, looking down at me, his eyes smoldering into mine like they have before, “Will you please stay with us?” he asked, almost pleading. I paused, thinking, are you sure? But still weighing the pros and cons. A sudden movement distracted me from the corner of my eye; I turned to see the room completely empty. “Where,” I was caught off by Victor’s early response. “They wanted to give us space.” He answered, his eyes never leaving me. I turned back, and whispered to him. “Is it alright with everyone else?” He smiled and nodded. I thought again, there were more pros than cons. “What about my stuff?” I asked. Suddenly noticing my bags at the doorway. More pros. I couldn’t think of anything else to reject. “We will go find your dog tomorrow.” Noted Victor, reading my mind. I nodded. “Fine, yes. Okay.” I replied. A smile formed over both our faces. The room now populated again with happy faces of perfect people. “Welcome to our home!” exclaimed Jocelyn, hugging me. I grinned Okay apparently I’m more human than I thought. I thought to myself, finally relaxing, while muffling a yawn “Time for the human’s bed time.” Joked Vincent, as he picked up the stuff on the floor. I noticed it was my stuff and reached out for it. “Oh!” exclaimed

Vincent, surprised, “This is your stuff?” he asked. I nodded. He smiled kindly. “Let me,” he said simply, gesturing towards the stairs. Victor shot him a look and replied for me, “No, let me.” Taking the stuff from Vincent’s hands. As we retreated up the stairs, I started to look up at the pictures again. “Fascinated?” whispered an angelic voice in my ear. I froze, Victor bumped into me, dropping my stuff. “I’m sorry.” He apologized. Scooping up my stuff in his hands. As we both climbed the stairs, silently, we passed a hallway that I didn’t notice before. “This way” he directed. I followed, feeling a bit awkward. We passed, several doors before he opened one. Inside was gorgeous. Unlike the rest of the house, this room was painted black. An ignoramus black bed rose several feet from the ground. A new dresser sat in the corner, Several Lava lamps, of various colors shone all around. Two huge beanbag chairs sat in a corner, next to a reading lamp, which sat beside bookshelf, full of different type of books, most I’ve never even heard of. “Something tall in the right corner, hid under a white sheet. This is my room,” he commented. “I believe you will like it here.” He smiled, and in a single movement, my yellow comforter was neatly spread out on the bed. It clashed horridly. Victor then tossed my long, purple, body pillow and my short, blue, pillow on the bed. They both landed semi perfectly, and in another movement, they were straight. It seemed like Victor barely moved at all, he smiled gloat fully at me. “Show off.” I mumbled, half kidding, and smiled back. I glanced around the room then, my eyes settling on the covered up thing in the corner. As if he could read my mind, he swiftly walked over to it, and yanked off the cover. There stood a long full view mirror. And I instantly remembered earlier today. Victor, or the rest of the family, had no reflection. I looked at him sadly as my reflection showed up and not his. I then moved over to where he stood, watching he watched my reflection in the mirror. Once I approached, I gently took the sheet from his hand, and placed it back over the mirror. “If you can’t see, nor can I.”I said, watching him. He started to protest, but then smiled. “Thanks.” He simply replied.

“Well, I guess I’ll let you sleep.” Victor said then, exiting the room. I looked puzzled at him. “Where are you going to sleep?” I asked curiously. He shrugged, smiled, and exiting the room. I looked around the room for a moment, and then quietly sat down on the bed. I guess this will be all right. I thought, unzipping my book bag to get my pink Hello Kitty pajama pants. As I retrieved my pants, I started to pull off my muddy jeans, slipping on my warm pajamas. Just as I did so, there was a light knock on the door. I looked at it hesitantly, “Um, come in?” It sounded like a question. As the door creaked open, someone called, “Male entering, please tell me you’re decent?” And in came Gabe, with his hand over his eyes. I shrieked, “Omigawd! Get out! I’m naked!!” At that, Gabe ran back into the hallway, “I’m so sorry!” he sounded horrified. I laughed, so hard, rolling on the floor, practically having a heart attack. Gabe poked his head in then, and watched me double over in laughter. “Not cool.” He said, smiling, and laughing. As I pulled myself together, I wiped the tears from my eyes. “Yes?” I asked, looking at his confused expression. “Oh, right.” He began, holding out something in his massive hand. “Here.” He said simply, giving me a plastic bag. He watched as I now had a confused expression on my face. “Its for dirty clothes.” He specified. I nodded and he exited.
As I got ready for bed, snuggling down into His sheets. I felt at home. As I inhaled, I caught his sent. “Mmmm.” I moaned sleepy, slipping into unconsciousness.

“Even though I love you, it doesn’t make it right” He said as they departed. A single tear rolled down Bekah’s face as she hugged Victor. “Please don’t leave me!” she cried, hugging him, clinging to him with all her strength. ”I will always love you.” He whispered as he faded away. Bekah cried out, “Noo!” ripping a part of his jacket, she grasped it for she knew it was the only thing left of him.

I woke up with tears in my eyes. “No!” I screamed as my arms shot out, wildly searching for something, or someone. He caught my wrist and hugged me tightly. “Bekah! What is it?” he asked alarmed by the sudden outburst, his fangs shone brightly in the moonlight, his teal eyes have gone a flare. “Nothing” I whispered, “It was just a horrid nightmare.” I clung to him, not wanting to let go. Victor smiled and wrapped his arms around me. “Alright” he yawned. Clearly I’ve woken him. “Do you want me to stay up with you?” he asked, muffling another yawn. I shook my head, yet he didn’t buy it. “Alright, I’ll stay with you tonight, as long as you go back to sleep.” He sighed, and tucked me in for the night. I yawned, exhausted from my long day. “Alright” I agreed, snuggling into him, inhaling his sent. Victor yawned and closed his eyes. I watched him breathe deeply, already asleep. Then slowly, everything went black.
Have you ever had one of those nights, when you awoke, and you had no idea where you were? Yeah well, that was this night. I woke up, groggy as ever, as I rolled over, expecting to be grass and twigs, but instead there was a surprisingly comfortable pillow. I opened my eyes, and sat up, wondering where I was. Just then I heard a quiet laugh in the corner of the room. As I looked, I spotted Him in a chair. “So it wasn’t a dream.” I whispered. I reached and put on my purple glasses, patting my hair. He laughed, “You look like something out of a horror movie.” He joked. I flushed, you have no idea, I thought. “Well you are from a horror movie.” I joking back, as I ran towards the covered up mirror, tore the sheet from it and stared at my hideous reflection. Of course, my black Lash Stylist mascara, and eyeliner, ran half way down my face, and managed it get on my forehead. My bright blue eye shadow happened to find its way on my chin. I looked down at what I was wearing and noticed my eye make-up also found its way on my forearm. Next I studied my hair. It was tangled and sticking up in every direction. My horrified face made Victor laugh again. I quickly pulled my hair in a ponytail and went to wash my make-up from half my body. “Human moment!” I called, horrified, before shutting the bathroom door.
I turned the shower on, waiting for it to get hot. Just then I realized I had no clothes. I opened the door again, grabbing my book bag. Luckily, Victor had already left. As I went back into the bathroom, locking the door, I turned and set my backpack on the counter. I got out a clean washcloth and my shower stuff. Grabbing my shampoos too. Then I went to work, I wet the washcloth, put some soap on it and started to scrub the gunk off my face. After my face was clean, I undressed, grabbed my shower stuff, and shampoo, and hopped into the shower. I stood in the shower for the longest time, letting the water run over me. Then I started on my hair, as I shampooed, and conditioned, letting them do their work I squeezed, my favorite body wash on another washcloth, it smelled like passion fruit. After washing the gunk from the rest of me, I dunked my head under the water, letting the shampoo rinse out. After a moment, I turned off the water, wrapping a towel around me, and stepped out of the shower. 
As I looked up, there stood Jocelyn. “GAH!” I screamed, wrapping the towel tighter around me. “Morning.” She said, smiling. “How long have you been in here?” I asked, horrified once again. Jocelyn shrugged, “Only a few moments.” She said calmly, her fangs shinning in the light, craving attention. “You just smelled so, so appalling.” She added. I gulped which made her frown. 

“Oh Bekah, like I would!” she exclaimed, now offended. “Well you shouldn’t have been in here!” I shot back, peeved. Jocelyn sighed. “I came in here for your safety.” She said quietly .If only knew that she needed the protection. I thought yet still confused, my anger already gone. She studied my expression, and added. “Everyone can smell you, and it took Victor all he could to not come in here and--” she cut off. I already knew what she meant. Jocelyn added on, for her family’s sake. “We never had a human stay with us, please we will behave ourselves. We will get stronger, please don’t be frightened.” She begged. I smiled, a warm smile. And you probably never will I thought. “I understand, its okay.” I laughed, then noticed I was still soaking wet. “Um?” I said, flushing. Jocelyn got the message and slipped out with a grin. As I got dressed, and put product in my hair, I started in my eyes, putting on my make-up as if it was a routine. Mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow. There. I thought as my eyes looked as good as I felt, which was pretty amazing. As I gathered my stuff, primped my hair once more, then turned and walked into the bedroom.

Once I entered the room, I looked around. Of course, there stood Victor, a fierce look on his face. I looked at Victor for a moment, suddenly a thought popped into my head. Oh crap, does he know? I looked around nervously; I waited for him to say something. I waited for what seemed like forever. “What are you?” he asked, his face still fierce. I gulped. “W-what do you mean?” I asked, glancing everywhere but him. “What ARE you? You’re surly not human.” Victor commented, his eyes looking me over, still fierce. Crap, he knows. I thought, but still decided to play dumb. “What?” I streaked. “I AM a human!”
Victor wrinkled his nose, “You don’t smell human.” He commented again, a bit of confusion mixed in his eyes. “I don’t like being lied to, Bekah.” He added. A bit of guilt pinged inside of me. “W-well, what do I smell like?” I asked, curious. Just then Victor appeared in front of me, and sniffed my recently washed hair, he paused, thinking to himself. “Defiantly not human” he muttered thoughtfully. I stood very still, trying not to move as he sniffed and smelled me. Just then his scent danced with my senses as he moved in closer. Just then my mouth started to water, and my stomach growled. No, not now, not him. I ordered myself. I knew I was starving. Just then Victor stopped smelling me and jumped back. “I know you’re not human, so please just tell me what you are.” He pleaded. I looked at him longingly, and then sighed. “If I tell you,” I started, eyeing him. “Will you promise not to run away, or get mad?” At that he smirked, but it vanished as he noticed I was serious. In so, he nodded. I took a deep breath and quoted. “I am Bekah. I bite you bleed. I lick, you plead,” I noticed he looked confused. “Shouldn’t that be the other way around?” he questioned. I looked at him longingly again, and shook my head. “I’m still human, just not completely.” At that he looked at me, no longer confused. “I knew it.” He said. Then dashed out the door. “I knew it.” I repeated.
A moment later Victor, and the rest appeared in the room. Their beautiful faces were now scared and mad. I knew this was too good to be true. I thought. “Werewolf” muttered Vincent. I shook my head. “No, only half.” I said matter-of-factly. Suddenly all the beautiful faces turned confused.
I then sighed, rolling my eyes at my new betraying family. “My farther was a werewolf, while my mum was a human.” I explained. I watched as their faces grew into horrified expressions. “It’s not my fault.” I added. Suddenly my face turned questioning at them, “Why haven’t you noticed before?” I asked. I watched each face carefully, one by one each horrified expression melted away to more of a questioning expression, still beautiful as ever. They each exchanged expressions, no doubt they were asking each other telepathically. Victor was the first to speak. “We don’t know why, maybe it’s because you are only half of a half wolf…” his voice trailed off, thinking again. Jocelyn was the next to speak. “Well truly, only Victor noticed. The rest of us did not. Plus Victor only noticed when you were wet.” She said matter-of-factly. I saw the rest of the room turn red as they thought of something. Jocelyn realized gave them all don’t be stupid looks. I couldn’t help but smile. “Well, I guess I can. Leave.” I said, half heartily. I watched, as each face grew thoughtful, except Victors. He looked sad at that idea, and to prove my observing, Victor spoke up. “I don’t think that’s, suitable. I mean what if she tells?” he asked. Unsurprisingly Aniline objected. “Who is she going to tell? Let her go. Can we really trust a werewolf?” she asked. I really hated the way she said it though. Mocking, as if she knew I wouldn’t do anything about it. I glared at her, and so did Victor. “We can’t just throw her out, she’s barely werewolf!” He objected. Aniline scoffed “Ironic isn’t it?” she asked. “You were the one to come running to the family about her.” She said, eyeing me. I growled, yet took her side. “Actually, for once Aniline’s right, you did run.” I said accusingly at Victor. Victor growled back “Do You Want To Stay Or Not?” he exclaimed. I nodded, looking a bit ashamed. Surprisingly Gabe spoke up, apparently fed up about it. “She’s staying, end of discussion. Now, lets eat.” He turned and walked out of the door.

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2009-07-18 [Neurotic Obsession]: Wow.. this is nice^^ I don't know what else to add to it though >.< *Feels like a dumb dumb*

2009-07-18 ['Hana.]: wow it is long XD
how much does it need adding to it?

2009-07-18 [fu**(fuse)]: Its barely the first 4 chapters..

2009-07-18 [Neurotic Obsession]: Although, Victor seems sexy. :P

2009-07-18 [fu**(fuse)]: lmao!! xDDDD of course! I always make my main male character sexy..

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